Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Doug Byrnes of Kannapolis Middle School Earns Hilbish Teacher of the Month Award

Congratulations to the Hilbish Teacher of the Month, Doug Byrnes!

Tim Vaughn, General Manager for Hilbish Ford, presented the award to Mr. Byrnes during the recent Kannapolis City Schools Board of Education Meeting. KCS shared this message:

Doug Byrnes teaches social studies at Kannapolis Middle School. Besides inspiring students inside the classroom, Mr. Byrnes leads the KMS Quiz Bowl Team.

The parent that nominated Mr. Byrnes praised his unique ability to teach students life lessons that go beyond the standard curriculum. The parent observed Mr. Byrnes at the Reed Gold Mine Quiz Bowl competition and said this, “His love for teaching and his passion for history was evident. He encouraged the students and made sure they knew how proud he was of them for trying their best. He also made sure they understood that good sportsmanship was just as important as winning. One thing my son learned from Mr. Byrnes is that you can always be first at something, even if it is “first at the handshake” to congratulate the team or person who won. Mr. Byrnes has made learning social studies fun for my son this year. He has found a new passion for history that he has never had before. Mr. Byrnes is the type of teacher that leaves a lasting impression on his students. He challenges them but also motivates them to leave his classroom as a better student and person than they were before they came.”

Doug Byrnes epitomizes what it means to be a great teacher, and we’re extremely proud that he is part of our KCS family. We’re delighted that Hilbish Ford is honoring his excellence with the Hilbish Ford Outstanding Teacher Award for April. Congratulations!

Click here to nominate the next Teacher of the Month for Kannapolis City Schools.

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