Saturday, August 15, 2015

First Responder's Day to Held at Hilbish Ford September 3, 2015

Hilbish Ford and the Cabarrus Regional Chamber of Commerce believe a good quality of life is essential in order to maintain a strong community. The first responders who risk their lives each day in order to keep Cabarrus County residents, homes and businesses safe deserve recognition for their sacrifices.

On September 3, 2015 from 5:00pm-7:00pm, Hilbish Ford will partner with the Chamber and other local businesses to host First Responders Day, an appreciation event for EMTs, firefighters, police officers, sheriff's and their families. The event will be held at the Hilbish Ford dealership in Kannapolis, NC.

This day will include fun family activities such as face painting, bounce houses, corn hole and more! Door prizes will also be given to local first responders. Dinner will be provided to the families during which we will have a brief program to thank these individuals for their service.

"Who in the community are more important? Who do we call when we need immediate help? How about our Police, Fire Fighters, EMS personnel! When do we show them how much we love and appreciate THEM and their FAMILIES who worry about them coming home safe after each and every shift? This is a small way to have a PARTY in their honor. Feed them and their families. Have really cool activities for the kids to participate in...all brought to them by great local companies who want to give back to these everyday hero's. You cannot imagine how many of them tell us over and over THANKS for doing this for them and THIS IS WHY WE DO IT! " - Tim Vaughn, Hilbish Ford

If you are a business and would like to help support this event, click here to learn more about how you can help.

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